Sunday, March 8, 2009

So Sweet on Spring!

The Sweet on Spring celebration on March 7 at Living in the Garden was a truly inspiring welcome to spring. Who could not love the bright, whimsical and totally transformed artistry of the old outhouse that greeted you as you walked through the door?!

And I never imagined that my polka dot pillows would have such an appropriate polka dot setting!

An old gun cabinet and my antique sewing machine were perfect pieces to create a mini sewing shop in one corner of the conservatory.

A bench full of outdoor pillows made a sweet setting for this squirrel.

And...the vintage Vera Butterfly pillows looked lovely on a matching garden bench.

The day was a great success with lots of people, lots of high energy, lots of creativity and inspiration. Thank you to all who were able to join us for a fun day and thank you, Suzanne and Scotty, for having me as part of this celebration. Spring will arrive in spite of the snow we experienced this weekend. And what will you dream up for next year's Sweet on Spring?!!


Living in the Garden said...

you really 'went for great'! I am so glad you were a part of this. lets see next year.....

High Desert Diva said...

It looked fantastic!

Robynn's Ravings said...

Wow...everything looked fantastic! And that's an outhouse I could really GO for!

Unknown said...

They are so nice that they totally made me want to buy one and I did a little search on web and found out that Ballard Designs had similar outdoor pillows to those you posted.

Carla said...

Hi Connie,
Thanks for taking a look at my website and blog. I went to the Ballard site, and, yes, you're right. They have some pillows that are similar for a lot less. I guess the only recourse I have is to say that mine are handmade and so the difference in price.