Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Farm Chicks Fun

My husband and indispensable helper, Rich, and I are ready for the big weekend.

As you can see from the photos below, Farm Chicks was not only fun, it was intense! It was an opportunity to meet many wonderful people and make new connections--and to learn a lot! Since this was my first show, I came home tired but glad for the experience and all the fun we had.

Pillows and purses galore...

I'm ready!

Some of the attendees...Farm Chicks is BIG!


Robynn's Ravings said...

Very fun and how great that you and your husband can do this together!

I hope to see you over at my place sometime! :)

High Desert Design Council said...

Love the photo of you and Rich!!!

I'm glad you were able to do the show and even more glad I was able to see you there. Can't tell you how happy I am with my purse. Just.Love.It!

Looking forward to a Carla/Suzanne visit in July!

High Desert Diva said...

Sorry! That was me!

Living in the Garden said...

Oh Carla, your booth looks wonderful!
very very full and colorful. There was no room for any more!
Thanks for the posting and sharing with us all.

It has been said...

I'm blown away by the quantity of product you amassed with your worn to the bone 10 fingers. Add to that the quality of workwomanship you put into each piece and I choke back tears of compassion. You are truly an inspiration to us all. Scotty

Anonymous said...

Fun to see your pretty pictures! :)